During May half-term 90 children across three different age groups took part in the Utilita Giving Cup at Brentford Towers sponsored by Utilita Giving.

With a focus on community engagement and providing local children with a free activity over the school holidays, the tournament helped to support some of the most deprived families in west London.

As part of Utilita Giving’s aim to support people out of fuel and food poverty in England, every child who took part in the tournament was also given a £50 Tesco voucher.

Making a Difference

Scott Southgate, Community Engagement Coordinator at Brentford FC Community Sports Trust said, “Events like the Utilita Giving Cup are massively important in helping us to engage with young people and build up long-standing relationships. For me it is all about giving opportunities to young people who might not necessarily get them and this is a prime example of that.

“We are hugely thankful to Utilita Giving for supporting the event and sending all the young people away with a £50 Tesco voucher which will mean the world to some of these families.

“The tournament was a huge success, everybody played in the right spirit and had a smile on their face which was great to see. We look forward to running similar events in the future as we know the young people would be playing football for the whole day on these facilities if they were given the chance to.”

Smiling Faces

Keira Meadus, Charity Partnership Officer at Utilita Giving said, “It was an absolute pleasure to be a part of this year’s tournament – you really can’t put a price on those smiling faces.

“What we mustn’t forget is that football is just as much about what happens off the pitch as on, and there is no better platform to promote and support important causes.

“We are incredibly grateful to Utilita and Brentford for allowing us to be a part of their partnership.

“This is just one example of the fantastic work we have been undertaking here in west London and, thanks to both the Club and company, and we continue to reach even more vulnerable people.”

For more information about Utilita Giving and all the work they have been involved with click here.